Talk About Us
The easiest way to help out is just to talk about us. Share us on your social media pages like Facebook, X, and whatever you use to communicate with others. Talk to your friends, family, co-workers, and other drivers. You can even post about us in your driver groups to help spread the word. Recommend us to new drivers you encounter so they can access our forums and education pages. It will all help increase awareness of our site and improve safety.
Write To or About Us
Writing is another great way to help us out. You can write to us or for us. We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, concerns, and comments. It can be a challenge to stay healthy on the road so share your knowledge and experience, we will be happy to post it to our forum. If you have a blog or other articles you write, consider duplicating them to our forums to reach a larger audience. This will benefit all of us as well as those who stop to read your posts.
Legacy Of Learning
If you care to leave a donation to Truckers Reform after you pass on, rest assured it will be put to the best use. Your legacy of property or other assets will provide training expenses and/or housing for those looking to improve their current situation. We can help them improve their quality of life by providing funding for skills training or a safe home while going to school. Together we can make a difference, one person at a time.
Donate To Keep This Site Alive
Another way to get involved with us would be financially if you are so inclined to do so. Server space, domain name, and graphics can all be very expensive. We would be grateful for any monetary donations you wish to send along to us and will put it to very good use. All donations will be used directly for this site. You simply need to click on the PayPal button below to contribute to this site's upkeep and maintenance. We appreciate your generousity.